I enjoyed your musings and photos Debbie. I agree that creative play is so important as it’s the time we get to experiment and explore without pressure of a finished outcome. I’ve really tried to embrace the idea this year and have learnt so much about myself as an artist. I really love your charcoal sketches. Stripping down such a complex and colourful subject matter into the black and white line is quite beautiful.

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How wonderful to come home and find you lovely message Nicky! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and reply. xx I think you are the Queen of free exploration Nicky!! I love how you embrace this aspect in your practice. And you are so right, it is such a wonderfful way to find out more about yourself as an artist. Really appreciate your kind words about my charcoal sketches. I love doing them---using unsharpened charcoal helps me lean away from adding too much detail. lol Sometimes less is more right?!

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Debbie Lamey-MacDonald

I love love love your talk of process!! There’s so much to be learned/gained along the way to the finished piece (whatever that may be). In my case, a photograph, along with everything that transpired along the way. It’s so important to not get stuck in the same camera settings, the same perspective. Creative play is what I need to do more of with less thought of the end result. Thank you for the reminder! 😊❤️

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Thank you so, so much Carol! I'm so happy this resonated with you. You are totally right when you say it's easy to get stuck in some of our usual modes of operating. I can see how this could happen in photography as well. I love how embracing the process without any attachment to the outcome, actually indirectly enhances our future work. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! xx

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